Say Goodbye to infertility in men

Reproaid for Men, is a blend of mother nature’s finest vitamins, minerals & herbs, designed for fathers-to-be.
Reproaid is a complete vitamin and antioxidant that enhances reproductive wellness and promotes health, vitality, fertility & hormonal balance.
Men's Fertility Formula:
1. Complete vitamin and antioxidant support
2. improve sperm count and motility
3. Promotes reproductive wellness
The ReproCare product line is scientifically formulated to meet the needs of a couple that is trying to conceive, as well as mothers-to-be and their babies. Good nutrition is important during all stages of life, but perhaps most important in early development.
How It Works
Reproaid Men’s Formula was formulated to target various aspects of male fertility with the following ingredients which are supported by extensive clinical studies showing their efficacy in treatment of infertility in men, while also promoting general well-being
The ReproCare line of products is available to assist from conception through pregnancy and birth.
Caution: Not for children under 18 years old
Contain: 90 capsules
Manufactured in USA

Wellman Conception

When couples decide to try for a family, it is not only women who should look after their diet and lifestyle in order to maintain their health and support conception.
Wellman - conception
Wellman Conception forms part of the Vitabiotics Wellman range, the UK's number 1 men's supplement brand. Many men now recognise the importance of getting themselves in shape and adopting a healthier lifestyle when trying for a baby and Wellman Conception recognises that men have reproductive health needs of their own.
Wellman Conception has been developed to provide a comprehensive combination of vitamins and minerals and bio-active nutrients to help support all round health and vitality, as well as specific nutrients which have been chosen for their role in fertility and reproduction. One tablet should be taken daily as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, ideally three months before trying to conceive, while, at the same time, Pregnacare Conception has been specially designed for your partner, including vitamin B12, vitamin D and 400mcg folic acid (Vit. B9).

Fertility and Reproduction

Wellman Conception is a comprehensive formulation with specific nutrients, including zinc which contributes to normal fertility and reproduction. Zinc and vitamin C also contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress, an important consideration for healthy sperm production as sperm can be damaged by free radicals. These nutrients also help contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
Zinc is arguably one of the most important minerals for the male reproductive system as semen contains 100 times more zinc than is found in the blood. In fact each ejaculate contains around 5mg of zinc; one half of the whole recommended daily nutrient intake, therefore 15mg of zinc has been included within the formulation.

Testosterone and Spermatogenesis

Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity, while zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood and selenium contributes to normal spermatogenesis. Folate, iron, magnesium and vitamin B12 have a role in cell division, plus vitamin A, which has a role in the process of cell specialisation.

Health and Wellbeing

Vitamins A, C and D contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Vitamin B12 and B6 contribute to normal red blood cell formation and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Iron also contributes to normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin which carries oxygen and blood to the body's organs. Vitamins B12 and B6 are also needed to help maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system. The formula also includes other key nutrients; Peruvian MACA Extract, Co-Q10, Lycopene, Siberian Ginseng Extract and Pine Bark Extract.
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Multivitamin for pregnant women

Pregnacare Original

Expert nutrition for mother and baby

Pregnacare prenatal supplement is the most popular and trusted by mums to safeguard the diet of those who are planning for pregnancy or are already pregnant. A scientifically developed formulation of 19 important vitamins and minerals, Pregnacare contains 400mcg folic acid and 10mcg vitamin D, as advised by the UK Department of Health D during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Pregnacare has been carefully developed by experts so that all ingredient levels are within safe levels for pregnancy and are moderate rather than excessive.

Recommended level of folic acid & vitamin D

The UK Department of Health recommends women planning a baby should take a supplement containing 400mcg of folic acid from the start of trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy. This is the exact amount of folic acid contained in Pregnacare. Supplemental folic acid intake increases maternal folate status†. Low maternal folate status is a risk factor in the development of neural tube defects in the developing foetus. Folic Acid is also beneficial beyond 12 weeks as it contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy.
Important: Some pregnancy formulas do not include the exact 10 mcg vitamin D, as advised by the UK Department of Health during pregnancy and breast-feeding.

More than folic acid alone - with B12 and key minerals

Many studies show the importance of ensuring the correct intake of various vitamins and minerals throughout the entire pregnancy and as part of an aftercare plan. Pregnacare provides a range of nutrients for overall support, all at sensible, carefully balanced levels, including vitamins B2, B6 and B12 which contribute to normal red blood cell formation.

Pregnacare avoids high dose iron which is not recommended

Unlike many prenatal iron supplements, Pregnacare has been specifically formulated with an ideal, moderate level of iron. High levels of iron are not recommended unless there is a particular requirement as identified by your healthcare professional.

Before conception

Pregnacare is recommended before conception to build up the stores of nutrients such as iron in women who are trying for a baby. Good nutrition is important to help prepare a woman's body for the additional demands placed on it during pregnancy. Certain nutrients, like folic acid, vitamin B12 and zinc are also of particular importance from the very first moment of conception. Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction whilst vitamin B12 contributes to normal red blood cell formation and also has a role in the process of cell division.

For all of pregnancy

Good nutritional intake is vital throughout pregnancy, not just the first 12 weeks. Pregnacare provides essential nutrients throughout pregnancy including folic acid which plays an important role during the full nine months and contributes to normal blood formation. You can start taking Pregnacare at any point during pregnancy.

Specially formulated by experts                                       

Pregnacare has been formulated by experts to help safeguard a mother's diet during pregnancy. It provides a comprehensive spectrum of essential nutrients at carefully chosen safe levels, developed on the basis of international research. It has always contained the recommended level of 400mcg folic acid**. Pregnacare is proud to work in partnership with the Royal College of Midwives to support the health of mothers and babies by raising awareness of the benefits of good nutrition
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Best Drug For Infertility In Women

Reproaid Women's Fertility Formula
Reproaid for Women
Reproaid for Women, is a blend of mother nature’s finest vitamins, minerals & herbs, designed for mothers-to-be.
Reproaid is a complete vitamin and antioxidant that enhances reproductive wellness and promotes health, vitality, fertility & hormonal balance.*
A doctor-developed, complete multi-vitamin/multi-mineral and herbal supplement designed for a woman’s reproductive health, Reproaid Women’s Formula provides the following benefits:
• Unique herbal blend designed to enhance reproductive wellness and hormonal balance.
• Important nutrients that improve vitality and fertility.
• Clinically-studied nutrients shown to be beneficial for overall reproductive health, such as zinc, B vitamins, folic acid, antioxidants and others.
The ReproCare product line is scientifically formulated to meet the needs of a couple that is trying to conceive, as well as mothers-to-be and their babies. Good nutrition is important during all stages of life, but perhaps most important in early development.
How It Works
Reproaid Women’s Formula was formulated to target various aspects of female fertility with the following ingredients which are supported by extensive clinical studies showing their efficacy in treatment of infertility in women, while also promoting general well-being.
The ReproCare line of products is available to assist from conception through pregnancy and birth.
Contain: 90 capsules
Manufactured in USA 

Pregnacare Conception

The makers of Pregnacare, the UK's leading pregnancy supplement, have developed Pregnacare Conception specially formulated to help support a healthy conception for women who are trying for a baby.

Expert nutrition for when trying for a baby

Now you have decided to try for a baby, you want to prepare your body and ensure you have a healthy diet and lifestyle to maximise your chances of conception. Pregnacare Conception formula has been developed on the basis of worldwide studies showing that certain nutrients can play an important role in helping to build nutritional stores ready for pregnancy and support good reproductive health.
Pregnacare Conception provides a carefully balanced comprehensive formulation of micronutrients including the specific nutrients inositol, l-arginine, n-acetyl cysteine and selenium. The formula also includes vitamin B12 and folic acid at 400mcg, the exact recommended level by the Department of Health.conception

Ideal for all women to help build nutritional stores for before conception.
Nutrient and vitamin formula, 100% DRUG & HORMONE FREE. 
The formula includes key nutritional elements:

Recommended Folic Acid level

Pregnacare Conception provides 400mcg folic acid, the exact level recommended by the Department of Health for all women who are trying to conceive. Supplemental folic acid intake increases maternal folate status*. Low maternal folate status is a risk factor in the development of neural tube defects in the developing foetus. As well as playing a role in the process of cell division, folic acid also contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy.

Female reproductive health

Certain nutrients can play a role in helping support reproductive health in women. Pregnacare Conception includes zinc which contributes to normal fertility and reproduction whilst vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity. The formula also includes vitamin B12, iron, magnesium and 15mcg vitamin D which have a role in the process of cell division.

All-round nutritional support

Pregnacare Conception provides all round support with additional nutrients including biotin & copper which contribute to normal energy release and iron which contributes to the normal function of the immune system & normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin. Vitamins B6 & B12 are also important to help maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system. The formula also includes other key nutrients; L-Arginine, Inositol, N-Acetyl Cysteine and Betacarotene.

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Some of the Major Causes of Weak Erection And Premature Ejaculation In Men

1. Stress and over-work Are the most common causes of a reduced sex drive. cigarettes, alcohol and above all, try to relax and switch off.

2. Poor diet; If you’re not getting enough vitamins and minerals  hormone imbalances may arise and have a big effect on your sex drive.

3. Being overweight: Can cause sluggishness, low energy levels, a diminished libido and low self esteem. Consuming too many carbohydrates raises sugar Level  which will further lower your sex drive.

4. Excessive alcohol: Reduces testosterone production. Extreme long term abuse can cause impotence, shrunken penis.

5. Smoking: It can cause high blood pressure and bad circulation, it will also lower your sperm count. Having a high sperm count acts as a trigger boosting sex drive.
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Best multivitamins for babies and toddlers

Why do Children Need Vitamins?
During the first two years, children have a very high nutritional need in relation to their size. Vitamins play an important role in maintaining healthy growth. Vitamins can be used up or lost quickly, therefore it is vital that your child receives the essential vitamins daily.

Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops

Wellbaby - Multi-vitamin drops
As a new mum, there's nothing more important than the health and nutritional wellbeing of your baby. Looking after your child's nutritional intake when they are young can help safeguard their long term health. From the makers of Pregnacare, Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops is ideal for babies from 4 to 12 months and provides a safe and balanced comprehensive range of 16 nutrients, including essential vitamins and minerals. Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops has been produced with a baby's special needs in mind to offer a carefully formulated nutritional safeguard during a time when babies have a high nutrient requirement in relation to body size. This can help to support their rapid physical growth and development of bones, muscles, blood and the brain. Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops includes vitamin A, C and D.
The UK Department of Health recommends that all children aged six months to five years should be given a supplement that contains vitamins A, C and D Source: NHS Choices
Unless they are drinking 500ml (or approx. 1 pint) of infant formula a day, as infant formula has vitamins added to it.
Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops tastes delicious and also contains Swiss Alpine Malt as a natural energy source; making it a great taste your little baby will love. A measuring syringe is also included making it easier for you to safely administer the drops onto your baby's tongue ideally just before you do a feed.

Brain DevelopmentBrain Development

Brain development allows a child to develop the abilities to crawl, speak, eat, laugh and walk. Certain nutrients can help support this development such as iron which contributes to normal cognitive development of children.
Once on solid food, vegetarian babies can sometimes be low in iron, as iron from non-meat sources is not as easily absorbed by the body. Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops is suitable for vegetarian babies so is an ideal way of helping to ensure your developing baby receives enough iron.

Growth & development of bonesGrowth & development of bones

A baby is born with 300 bones and during the first year of life your baby's bones are growing rapidly. Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops includes 10 mcg vitamin D3 (the body's preferred form of Vitamin D). Vitamin D is needed for normal growth and development of bones in children. It also contributes to their normal immune system function.

More reasons for your child to take Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops

  • Its formula is based on the very latest scientific research, with nutrient levels carefully selected for the specific needs of growing babies.
  • Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops is produced to high pharmaceutical standards of quality control.
  • Does not contain any artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners.
  • Does not contain lactose, salt, alcohol, fat or yeast.
  • Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops has not been tested on animals.

Abidec Multivitamin Drops to Aid Healthy Growth

Abidec Multivitamin Drops have been specially formulated to help meet the nutritional requirements of your children. It is particularly beneficial in the prevention of vitamin deficiencies. Abidec Multivitamin Drops are rich in 7 essential vitamins. Given daily, Abidec Multivitamin Drops provide the correct balance of vitamins to maintain your child's healthy growth.

Reload infant drops.....

Many infants lack essential vitamins in their diet. Reload Infant  Drops provides 100% of the daily value of vitamin  D along with other essential vitamins A,C,E and a full spectrum of B-vitamins! Also with 20mg of DHA per serving! Do your best for baby with once-daily Reload Infant Drops!

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What Postinor 2 is and what is used for
Postinor 2 tablet contains a synthetic luteal hormone-like active substance,levonorgestrel.
Postinor 2 tablet prevents about 85% of expected pregnancies when the first tablet is taken within 72 hour's (3days) of unprotected sex. Postinor 2 tablet Will not prevent pregnancy in every instance, but the tablet are more effective the sooner after unprotected sex they are taken(it is better to take the first tablet within one day rather then delay until the third day). You need to take the second tablet 12 hours (but no more than 16 hours) after the first.
Postinor 2 tablet is thought to work (1) by stopping your ovaries  from releasing an egg.(2) by preventing sperm from fertilising an egg you may have already released.

How to take Postinor 2

Always take Postinor 2 exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

Take one tablet as soon as possible but no later than 72 hours after you have had unprotected sex. Do not chew but swallow the tablet whole, with water if necessary. Do not delay taking the first tablet. The tablets work better the sooner you take them after having unprotected sex.

It is important to take the second tablet 12 hours and no longer than 16 hours after the first tablet. This may mean that you need to set your alarm clock for taking the second tablet during the night. If you are unsure about the timing of the tablets, ask your pharmacist to advise you.

How often can you use Postinor 2?

You should only use Postinor 2 tablet in emergencies and not as a regular method  of contraception. If Postinor 2 tablet is used more than once in a menstrual cycle it is more likely to upset your menstrual cycle (period).
Postinor 2 does not work as well as a regular method of contraception. If you think, you need repeated courses of emergency contraception, you should consider long-term methods of contraception.

If you take Postinor 2 than you should

Although there have been no reports of serious harmful effects from taking too many tablets at once, you may feel sick, actually be sick(vomit), or have vaginal bleeding. You should ask your  pharmacist, your doctor or the family planning clinic for advice.

Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.


 You should not take this medicine if you are already pregnant. If you do become pregnant even after taking this medicine, it is important that you see your doctor. there is no evidence that Postinor 2 Will harm a baby that develops in your uterus/womb if you use Postinor 2 as described. Nevertheless, your doctor may want to check that the pregnancy is not ectopic (Where the baby Develops somewhere outside the womb). This is especially important if you develop severe abdominal pain after taking Postinor 2 or if you have previously had an ectopic pregnancy, fallopian tube surgery or pelvic inflammatory disease.


Very small amounts of the active ingredient of this medicine may appear in your breast milk. This is not thought to be harmful to the baby, but if you are worried you can take your tablet immediately after a breast-feeding and avoid nursing at least 8 hours following tablet taking. In this way you are taking your tablet well before the next feed and reducing the amount of active ingredient your baby may take in with the breast milk. 


Postinor 2 increases the possibility of menstruation disturbances which can sometimes lead to earlier or later ovulation date. These changes can result in modified fertility date; however, there are no fertility data in the long term.
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What is Impaired Glucose Tolerance ( IGT )

Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have an asymptomatic condition called " impaired glucose tolerance, " pre-diabetes is a term that refers to who have blood glucose levels that are higher than normal, but are not high enough to be classified as diabetes
People with impaired glucose tolerance face a greater risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels ,being overweight or obese.
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5 Over 5 Multivitamins To fight Diabetes #4 Is Exceptional
 Alphabetic: this advanced formula delivers an optimal potency of vitamins, minerals and nutrients specifically needed by diabetics ---including alpha lipoic acid, chromium, lutein, boitin and vanadium. Alphabetic Advance Formula provides powerful antioxidants protection and helps support:
Glucose metabolism *
Cardiovascular health *
Eye and nerve function*
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration . This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any

Uses of Renerve Plus Tablets
Renerve Plus is used as a nutritional supplement in various cases of vitamin and mineral deficiency or in cases where there is an increased requirement of its ingredients. It can be used in the treatment or prevention of the following diseases or symptoms:
  • Megaloblastic anaemia
  • Anaemia (due to deficiency of vitamin B12)
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Alcoholic neuropathy
  • Permanent nerve damage
  • Poor diet or poor absorption of food
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • High cholesterol
  • Selenium deficiency
  • Renerve Plus capsules may also be used for other purposes not mentioned above

How does Renerve Plus Tablet work?
  • Nutritional supplements like Renerve Plus provide regular and adequate uptake of above-mentioned vitamins and minerals to undertake all the metabolic demands of the body.
  • Vitamin B12, the primary ingredient of Renerve plus capsules is necessary for production and maturation of red blood cells. It also helps in protecting the integrity of nerve cells and encourages their normal growth.
  • Thus lack of Vitamin B12 can cause anaemia (due to lack of/defective RBC production and maturation) and neuropathy (nerve damage).
  • Folic acid is important for regulating body functions and lack of folic acid can lead to anaemia in adults and developmental deformities in infants born to mothers with deficiency of folic acid.
  • Alpha lipoic acid is an anti-oxidant which prevents damage to body cells by oxidative stress.
  • Zinc is essential for normal growth of tissues and repairs damaged tissues while inositol maintains the chemical balance of the body.
  • Chromium is required for normal functioning of insulin hormones which maintains blood sugar.
  • Selenium is an important antioxidant which protects the body against oxidative stress and aging. 

Diabetone: has been specially formulated with 21 nutrients to help safeguard your daily requirements. These nutrients include chromium which contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels, vitamin B6 which supports normal protein and glycogen metabolism, plus thiamin (vitamin B1) which helps maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system.

The specialist formula also provides zinc which contributes to normal macronutrient metabolism.Metabolism is the chemical process by which the body breaks down the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the food that we eat so that the energy released can be distributed to the body's cells.
Winofit: is an important dietary supplement and an ideal fitness formula for a healthy body and a healthy mind. Winofit contains substances essential to keep the body fit. These include Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants and Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

How is Winofit useful to you?
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Reduce, cholesterol and platelet aggregation. It reduces inflammation and may help lower the risk of chronic diseases like arthritis, heart disease, immunological disorders, nervous system disorders and cancer.
One or two capsules of Winofit daily may help the body to fight against aging, fatigue,weakness and stress. It may protect the body against infection, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. Components of winofit are vital for good vision and healthy skin. winofit may also help in recovery after mojar illness.

Biobetic: it has effective dose (300mg) of Alpha lipoic acid that potentially helps as adjuvant in diabetes mellitus management. Methylcobalamin is the only active form and most potent form of vitamin B12 found in nature and in the brain outside the mitochondrion.
It has optimum potency of vitamins and mineral that effectively helps in impaired glucose tolerance,  diabetes management and improvement of nerve functions. 

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